Coaching & Education

Birth & Postpartum Planning

The Birth & Postpartum Planning package is an individualized childbirth education course tailored to you (and your partners, if applicable). You will meet with me prenatally on two separate occasions to learn all that you need to know for birth and postpartum, with a focus on preserving your mental health throughout the perinatal period. You will receive free access to The MaMA Space Ultimate Birth & Postpartum Planning Guide, which will support you in better understanding your desires, your self, your needs, and your options. Together, we will also create birth and postpartum plans, go through your birth bag & postpartum home checklists, find local resources in your area, and give you self-advocacy tools to support you in your perinatal journey.

  • While we can’t control all that happens in labor and birth (and it’s often important to let go of control), it can be helpful to at least plan and set intentions for our birthing experiences. Do you plan to birth at home, at a birth center, or at the hospital? How long do you plan to labor at home? Do you plan to say yes to a membrane sweep? How do you feel about unnecessary cervical checks? How can your birth partners and/or doulas best support you? What is your plan for if things don’t go according to plan? These are just a select few of the decisions we will talk through in our 90-minute birth planning session.

  • Birth is just a moment, but postpartum is forever. So many people focus all their energy on birth prep, but they miss the most important part—caring for yourself and the baby once they are actually earthside! Our postpartum planning session will include planning for the immediate postpartum (What are your plans for your placenta? Would you like a golden hour with your baby? Do you know the risks and benefits of delayed cord clamping? Do you plan to latch immediately? Does your hospital offer gentle Cesareans?) as well as long-term postpartum planning (Who is setting up your meal train? Will I ever sleep? Who will take care of me while I take care of my baby?). These are just a select few of the decisions we will talk through in our 90-minute postpartum planning session.

Lactation Education & Planning

Lactation Education and Planning is one package with two parts—education and planning. You (and your partners, if applicable) will meet with me prenatally on two separate occasions to discuss the ins and outs of feeding babies with your body. Depending on your feeding goals, we will then create a plan to support those goals.

  • In our first 90 minute session, I provide you with a brief presentation on lactation. We will discuss the components that make up human milk, the mechanisms that allow your body to make the right milk for your baby, and what you might expect in the first few days, weeks, and months postpartum. We will also discuss the changes you are currently seeing and feeling in your body, as we prepare for our next lactation planning session.

  • Once we have gone over some of the basics, we will begin to discuss your relationship with body feeding, your historical experiences of lactation, as well as your goals with your future child. We will put some plans in place and equip you with resources should your plans need to shift. This session is 90 minutes.

Childbirth Education Groups

Perinatal organizations often hire outside facilitators for prenatal groups and childbirth education groups. I offer these services to organizations interested providing well-rounded group facilitation & education to birthing families from someone who is also well-versed in perinatal mental health. Classes cover topics related to the pregnant anatomy, labor signs, inductions, medicated and unmedicated comfort measures, stages of labor, the immediate postpartum, perinatal mental health, and more.

Full Prenatal Planning Package

The MaMA Space Full Prenatal Package is a combination of planning, coaching, education, and prenatal doula support. It truly is the full package! Over the course of seven sessions (five prenatal and two postpartum), we will engage in personalized childbirth education, birth and postpartum preparation, lactation education and planning, and interdisciplinary collaboration with your birth team as needed. We will be sure that you are also set up with resources and providers in your area related to birth and postpartum doula support, hands-on lactation support, prenatal and postpartum bodywork, and more. Due to the energy, care, and time that goes into this package, availability is limited.

    • Extended Birth and Postpartum planning

    • Extended Lactation Education and Planning

    • Custom Audio Recorded Meditations

    • On-Call Text & Phone Support During Early Labor (birth doulas typically come during active labor)

    • Two Postpartum Debrief and Closing Sessions

  • The current fee for the Full Prenatal Planning package is $3600