Sacred Ceremonies

Kusakumuna Ceremony

Kusakumuna is the KiKongo word for “blessing.” It is a term that my family and I began using frequently when I was blessed with my own pregnancy. Around the same time, I began aiding in and eventually facilitating Safe Passage ceremonies for birthing families that wanted an alternative to the typical baby shower (known in some Indigenous communities as a Blessingway). During these ceremonies, I was amazed at the ways that my ancestors showed themselves and guided me through caring for my clients. I witnessed in awe as my clients’ ancestors did the same. As my clients’ communities rallied around them. As my clients gave themselves permission to be soft. To be vulnerable. To be held. A baby is indeed a blessing—but the collective holding of a parent who is moving into their birth journey is what I believe to be the true kusakumuna.

    • One 45-minute planning session

    • 90-minute day-of facilitation

    • Sound healing & cleanse

    • Custom meditation

    • Foot washing

    • Oil Massage

    • Safe Passage ritual planning & facilitation

    Please contact me directly for current rates

Tukula Ceremony

Some may know it as a “Closing of the Bones” or “Cerrada” ceremony. This is a sacred ceremony in which a postpartum person is able to receive physical, spiritual, and emotional support. It is a way to honor and ceremonially close the portal through which you brought your baby earthside. In traditional Congolese postpartum care, elders and matriarchs facilitating this ceremony would mix a healing red paste, known as tukula, and massage it over the postpartum person’s body. With my ancestors as my guide, I incorporate a symbolic tukula cream, massage, herbal cleansing, sound healing, and of course, bone closing into this traditional practice. Tukula ceremonies often take place around 6 weeks postpartum.

    • Initial 45-minute consultation to discuss details, birth and postpartum experiences, and intentions for the ceremony

    • 90-minute day-of facilitation

    • Topical herbal cleanse

    • Sound healing

    • Oil massage

    • Tukula application over uterus

    • Bone closing

    • Home-made Congolese postpartum meal

    Please contact me directly for current rates

Sacred Birth Story

People often choose to honor their childbirth experiences through writing. Many others wish to record their birth stories but don’t know where to begin. This is where I am able to step in and support. With this offering, I provide in-depth birth story interviews, touching on timeline, emotions, and the small details of the day. I then draw upon my writing background to draft a full report of the events from the start of labor to the end of the first day postpartum.

    • Two 45-minute interviews

    • Potential discussion with labor/birth support team

    • Final birth story draft in both PDF & Word doc

    Please contact me directly for current rates